The heart of this freelance endeavor is missions. As many of you also know, I feel like I have been called to the mission field full time. Well, I've been praying about what to do until I get there and the Lord has said to support the current missionaries financially because the support of those back home is who I will be living off of when I am on the mission field. That being said, more than half of everything I make this year off of my photography is going to be given to support current missionaries through New Song's Harvest Project.
As I have been seeking the Lord and doing research on how exactly to launch this new site (which will have galleries, an online store, and more), I am realizing more and more how I cannot do this alone! There is a cost to start some of these things, and I am seeking the Lord on how to accomplish that. He keeps telling me to ask for help from others (living in community is another thing I have been learning...)
Anyways, I'm seeking the Lord about some possible investors, which companies to go through for my galleries/store, and marketing.
I will update you all through my blog as I learn through this process. I'm so excited for what the Lord has stirred in my heart.
Please join me in prayer. I am supporting people who are spreading the gospel, and we have an enemy that doesn't want that to happen.
Check back for more updates on the process! I will let you all know when the site is up and running!