Sunday, April 25, 2010

A word from Abba

Ask, that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of me...your Lord, fully pleasing me.
All things were created by Me, through Me and for Me. I am before all things and in Me, all things consist. All fullness dwells in Me- I have reconciled you to Me, My cross-My blood brings peace.
Continue in the faith my daughter, be grounded and stand steadfast in Me- do not move away from hope-hope of the gospel you have heard-the gospel you know. You have received Me as your Lord. You have declared Me your master-Savior. Walk in Me, you are rooted in Me, you have been and are being built up in Me- EMBRACE IT! All fullness dwells in me.
You are fully complete in me.

You have been baptized with My Spirit. You have been baptized in water- buried with Me, but also raised with Me.
Tha old things of your flesh were left in that water. When I rose from the dead, it was just that; no death was upon Me. When i was in the grave-when I was buried, I wasn't chillin'.. I was disarming principalities and powers, making them a public spectacle and triumphing over them
You are my elect. I have special things in store for you my daughter. Put on the things of Me though. Take off the rags you keep putting on yourself.
All fullness dwells in Me. Let My words dwell in you.
Do all that you do unto Me. Stop trying to please your leaders, friends, strangers.. I am the One who deserves your worship, and everything you do has the potential to be worship unto Me-if your heart is in it. Submit to Me, what I am doing in you-then submitting to others will come naturally.
I love you.
I am NOT disappointed in you.
I desire you.
You will make it through this time of trials, of suffering.
But you won't just barely make it, you will stand strong through it.
Don't doubt Me-I am faithful
I am strong and I will not- WILL NOT- ever become weak.

You are MINE

your Father

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Photos through my day...

So, I got an idea the other day from an online forum that I was on. Basically it is documenting your day through pictures. So I started... I will update my blog as I continue to take pictures.. Enjoy the first half of my day!

7 AM Made my bed

8 AM- Family Worship

9 AM- Pastor Dale's Prophetic Download (PD's PD) (sorry it is sideways)

10 AM- Video Editing

11 AM- More video editing

12-1 PM- LUNCH!

2 PM- KIDMO! Answering calls

3 PM- Entering online orders

4 PM- Working on ideas for my next photo project

5 PM- Cashing of paycheck

6 PM- Dinner/Dessert at the Duncans (I didn't eat dessert, but took a picture anyways)

7 PM- Listening to music and chillin' until LOST

8 PM- probably the 2nd best part of the day (1st was seeing Rachel Empey)... LOST!!!

9 PM- time for some freedom before bed

That was pretty much my day... Keep an eye out for my next photo projects, their going to be good!

Monday, April 12, 2010

some cool stuff coming

Ok, I know it has been not just a little while, but A LONG TIME since I have last posted. But I wanted to let you know that I am still alive and I have some fun, creative ideas rolling around in my head. I will let you in on them soon enough, just be on the lookout!!!!
Great stuff coming soon!