Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bryce Harvey ~2 weeks~

Photographing babies, especially newborns is quite the adventure.  If you have any sort of time-table, you can throw it out the window because you are on baby's schedule, not your own.  Once Bryce got all warm and cuddly with him mom and dad, then we were able to start shooting.  I had so much fun with this one!  Bryce is the first newborn I have photographed, and although I missed the "10 day window" (this is for flexibility etc.), we still were able to get some GREAT shots today. I learned a lot from today's session, and cannot wait to photograph more newborns!  Good thing for me, I know a lot of expecting mom's! Thanks again Jennifer and Andrew for letting me photograph your precious son!

Bottom line is this: Bryce is a precious.  He was born 2 weeks ago, and i'm just going to let the photos prove it to you...