Friday, September 29, 2006


Sometimes I wonder why it is so hard to trust in God. I know He would never do anything to hurt me, yet I still don't always trust. As I sit here waiting, I am thinking about a bunch of stuff, and one person I am thinking about is my best bud Caleb Dominguez. He is one of the most amazing people I know, and I am so blessed to have him in my life. Unfortunately right now he is battling Leukemia. THIS SUCKS! There are so many times I ask God, "Why is Caleb having to go through this?" All he desires to do is serve the Lord, and yet his has this horrible disease. I just got done watching a video about Caleb on his website:Why is it so hard to trust in the Lord? I know that He has everything in control and He would ( And when it was finished, God told me...Stacee you don't need to know why Caleb is going through this. All you need to do is trust me.
Caleb is serving God to the best of his ability right now. Even in the past 3 weeks that he has been in the hospital, he has been a blessing and a witness to those who are helping him out. He is constantly in the word, and constantly talking to people about his faith. It seems like Caleb has more trust in God with this situation right now than I do, AND IT IS HAPPENING TO HIM!
I know that God has a plan and purpose for everything, but right now I am struggling with trusting Him with it.
I thank the Lord and pray daily for Caleb. I know that God will see us all through this valley.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


They are such an important thing to have in life. Boudaries keep bad things out, but they also help prevent us from getting ourselves into things we shouldn't. God and I have been working a lot lately on what my boundaries are. The thing I have found is that even though it takes me a while to realize it, and I don't always like it at first, God's boundaries are seriously way better for me than mine are. God really does have my best interest at heart.

There is so much freedom associated with saying no to something that is outside of your boundaries.

I am only human and can only do so much. This is where I need to trust in God and know that, if i am within my boundaries, He will carry me through the times when I am feelilng like I can no longer do it.

God has been gracious to me in this all this week...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I recieved two different emails today that impacted me.
The first one was from a long time friend, and she basically asked me if she was still my friend. I don't know why she would ask that, but it made me think about how much time I have put into our friendship. I just got very confused and i wondered if I had made any impact on her life...
The second one I got was from my little cousin and she explained a situation that she was in and then she asked for my advice. I really didn't realize, until that moment, that people look up to me. I have never thought of myself as one to be looked up to, but i guess I am. In that moment I realized that I have a responsibility to live a life worth emulating. Weather I want it or not, I have the ability to IMPACT someones life. That is a scary thought, I just hope that I can live up to whatever standard people are setting for me...

Monday, September 18, 2006


So I was filling out this quiz thing online to see how much I have changed in 3 years. As I was, i came across a question that said: "What is your biggest fear?" 3 years ago, my biggest fear was failure. I was scared stiff of failing. I didn't want to let my family or friends down at all. Now, because of different people in my life, that poured into me, I realized that it is ok to fail. Failure is what makes us stronger. I thank God that He has given us the ability to fail at things, because that way we need to go to Him for success. Sweet!