Wednesday, November 22, 2006


So I am here in AZ visiting my sister and of course, I am alone...well niece is here, but she is asleep right now...Anyways, I am so pissed at myself because I allowed myself to get excited again about how much time my sister and I were going to spend together, but the reality of it is that I let my hopes get to high. Out of the 4 days 5 nights that I am here, she only has 1 day off, Thanksgiving...
I know that she has to work and stuff but still, i don't think she tried hard enough to get time off.
I guess I can't be too pissed because she did say that the time that she is off, she is going to dedicate that to me and me alone...So i am happy about that. I guess i am done for now, but today was a long and boring day for me. All I did was sit around on my ass all day...i played with my niece a little, but then i watched a lot of tv and i did a little homework...
I did come to the realization that I am going to have more time to work on my homework than i thought i was going to....that is good

Monday, November 6, 2006


I am reading though a book called "Live Life On Purpose." I didn't think that this book was going to affect me, but it has. The chapter I read this week is entitled: "The map is a trap". This is talking about how we as humans make maps for our lives and we struggle with following the map to the letter. God doesn't give us a step by step map, or step by step directions on how we are to live our lives. This is something that I am working through...I might have a plan for my life, but it doesn't matter because God might have a different plan (map). I am starting to get to the point where I am not wanting to make any plans for my life, and just live day by day. I don't know where to draw the line between holding onto my map and letting God be my compass. My map will change with the seasons, but the compass (God) will always be constant.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Physical Therapy

As many know, I hurt my knee a few years ago, and i am finally getting some treatment. I went to the orthopedic surgeon, and he had me get a MRI..(which i find the results to in a few days), and he also wanted me to start PT asap, so that i can start getting a little stronger if i have to have surgery......
So the long journey of PT begins for me. I started PT today and it is going to be tough. the exercises that i have to do aren't "hard" but for someone who, like myself, is injured, they can be so draining and so hard (not to mention painful)! However, no matter how hard i feel the exercises might be, I am going to persevere because I know in the long run, it is going to help me. I know that it is what I need to do! PT is a good thing, it is making me stronger, and it is going to help me get back on my feet faster!