Monday, June 29, 2009

so today I am at my house having dinner with my host family. This is the one and only night I'm home in 4 weeks.. This past week, I've had the opportunity to bless and serve my dear friend Robyn and her family. And starting tomorrow, I am back at her house while they go to a lake house in KY. Then Sunday, I am flying out after church to CA for 2 weeks. So if you count it all, Between June 20th and July 18th, I will only have been at my house for one night. Tonight. I am so blessed to have this family who has opened up their home to me. And it seems that we both have had a very busy June. I am hoping that when I get back from California, we are going to have some family time and spend more time together.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Telly Awards!!!

I am pleased to announce that the Lil K Show & Tell series received two Telly Awards in this years' 30th annual Telly Awards contest. Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding TV commercials and programs, the finest film and video productions, and groundbreaking web commercials, videos and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world. We are honored to have Lil K Show & Tell acknowledged in two categories: Children's Programming, and Religious Programming. -- You can find out more about the Telly Awards at
Congratulations to the Lil K Show & Tell production team for a job well done! To God be the Glory!

Bill Baumgart – Executive Producer
Tim Ellis – Executive Producer
Chuck Peters – Producer/Director
Kai Vilhelmsen –Writer/Host
Paul Morris – Videographer/Editor/Animator
Dave Pines – Graphic Designer/Animator
Marcelo Pennell – Audio Mix & Mastering
Jason Tharp – Audio Acquisition & Sound FX
Stacee Strickland – Production Assistant
Johnny Rogers – Writer
Valerie Rogers – Writer
Derrick Brown – Voice Talent
Jeannie Wherley – Script Supervisor
Jon Morris – Production Assistant

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My dear friend

I am currently walking through a tough season with my dear friend Robyn. She is a breast cancer survivor and is walking through chemo right now. Today, I took her to shave her head. Her hair started falling out yesterday and more today, so she decided that it was time to just get rid of it all.

While I was sitting in the barber shop with her, watching her, I allowed the Lord to minister to me. Although I've been joking around, saying that I was going to shave my head too, the question hit me... "am I enough to sustain you?" Being with Robyn today encouraged me even more into becoming the perfect, pure bride that the LORD desires us to be. Looking into her eyes, I've seen a radiance glowing from her eyes... A peace, a security, that one can only find in the Lord. This is something that I (we) can learn without walking through cancer. Robyn has been forced to make this determination because of her circumstance, and she has chosen to walk in the Lord through this. And He is using this; hair loss, what society sees as bad...for good. Just as His word says in Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good for those who love HIM." The Lord works all things...CHEMO AND BALD HEADS INCLUDED together for good! I don't think that we know what that good is now, but I am trusting and believing that the Lord has some divine appointments lined up for Robyn, conversations she will have, that she might not have had if she wasn't walking through chemo. Heck, she is a walking testimony right now! Great conversation starter!! (If you know me, I love talking to people and am always looking for conversation starters)

If you think about it, hair is so small in the scheme of things, and I know that it is tough, but hair will grow back. If I'm gonna be honest here, it has taken a lot of processing with the Lord for me to be at a point where I can say this, because I was having a hard time with this step in the process. I think more because it was just weird to think about Robyn without hair, but the Lord has shown Himself merciful today (are we really surprised about that?)

Even though this season isn't over, and it hasn't been the easiest, I have watch Robyn walk it out with such integrity, purity and submission before the Lord. I admire that in her, and pray that I will walk out my trials and tribulations in the same manner...fully submitted to the Lord and 100% secure in the fact that the LORD will sustain her. Nothing man can do will fully, truly sustain her...or me.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Ok, I know this post is kinda late, but I still have 30 minutes left of Fathers Day.
My dad is an amazing dad, husband, and grandpa.
I did call him today and got to talk. That was great! Can't wait to see him in a few weeks!
Love you dad!

Friday, June 19, 2009

League Champions!

As many of you know I play softball on Thursday nights and Sunday afternoons... Well, last night, we had a tournament in our Thursday league. We started the tourney in the lower seat of the winning bracket.. Why? I'm not really sure b/c we were #1 in the league... anyways, we played 2 games and won them both!! So that means that we are the league champions!!! Here are a couple pictures

This is of the plaque we got for being 1st place during regular season...

And this is my teammate Jana and I holding the plaque. Oh, and we got some nifty t-shirts for winning the tournament! (i have mine on)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sometimes you just have to sacrifice!

...your body that is...

Ok, here's the thing. Some people, when they play sports, just give it 50%.. I'm NOT one of those people. When I play, I give it 100% (if not more). Take softball for example; when you are in the field, you must at least TRY and stop the ball! I play with some people who don't even do that because they don't want to get too dirty! I say: The dirtier you are, the harder you played. So I thought I would just write this little post and share about what happend at my game on Sunday. But I'll first start off on Saturday...

Alee, Madi, Megan and I went to the pool. The girls swam while Megan and I laid out, then we got in the pool for a while with them and then we went home. Well, I woke up sunday morning and the front of my legs were burnt! I was floored by this b/c i don't normally burn on my legs.. anyways, digression...

I had a softball game on Sunday afternoon, and I thought to myself: "man, it is really going to hurt if I have to slide today" (seeing as how my legs were burnt). So I told some people this and they all said: "just don't slide" in which my response was: "you gotta do what you gotta do in order to avoid an out. And if I have to choose between sacrificing my leg and getting called out.. I'm gonna sacrifice my leg!" and guess what happened? yup! I had a play at 2nd that required me to slide... so I did and here are two pictures.

and of course I have a tournament tonight, so we will see what happens... I think I am going to wear my sliding pad tonight though to try and prevent reopening of this scab... (isn't it a great one though?!?!?!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lightning bugs and friends

As I was driving home tonight, I saw a lot more lightning bugs than I normally do. When I saw them, I immediately thought of my friend Kaycee Jo. My intitial thought was: "MAN! I hope Kaycee is seeing this!!" Then that lead to me thinking about how much I love her and how much I miss her already!! She has been gone for only 3 days, but geez it feels like an eternity! I mean, we've been texting like crazy, but I think the reason I'm missing her so much more is because I know that for the next 3 months, I won't be able to see her at all! There are times here in Tennessee when we don't see each other for a week or so at a time, but I know that if I really needed her, we could get together... that's not the case right now... :(

It's the small things that people do that really impact others, ya know? I think that part of the reason lightning bugs make me think of Kaycee is because they light up so quickly, bring joy and then they are gone, back to business...UNTIL... they light up again!!!! There are some people in this world, in my life who do that... They are always around, waiting for the right moment to step in, speak words of encouragement, light up your day/week/month (whatever the case may be) and then they are back to waiting...waiting until the Lord tells them to light up another person's life. Kaycee definitly does this... I know the Lord has many scenarios lined up already for Kaycee to be a light to someone in Montana.

Although I'm missing her here, I know that the Lord has something very specific for us this summer. Her in Montana and me here... I'm just super super glad for the technology of phones, texting, email and chatting so that we can stay up-to-date on what the LORD is doing in and through us this summer!

Miss you Kaycee!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Domestic Violence PSAs

Raising awareness about any topic is important. Especially to try and invoke change. The following site has 7 PSAs that are trying to raise awareness about Domestic Violence.
Click here to see them.
I think they all run a little on the cheesy side of things, but I can see where they are coming from... kinda...

The first one, with Kiera Knightly, I think was probably the best done one. I think the message is the clearest.
The second one, with the women's clothes on a slab of meat.. that's just weird.. and disturbing to me.. I guess I can see where some men think women are just a "piece of meat", but even at that, men don't hit slabs of meat...
The third one made a little more sense, but is still weird... yes, men hit punching bags, but don't put a dress on it...
The fourth one honestly just scares me... the makeup is poorly done and it looks like a clothing ad... my eyes are drawn to the clothes more than the faces. When I first looked at it, it took me a couple seconds to even recognize that they had bruises and a cut on their face... CHEESY!!!
The fifth one shows a man beating up a waitress.. the tag line is: "you wouldn't get away with it here, you shouldn't get away with it at home" The problem I found with this is that NOBODY in the restaurant did anything... so they were letting the guy get away with it... This PSA contradicts itself!
The sixth one, RSPCA, I think go confused on what they were trying to raise awareness on... and this is probably the worst one out of the group... I think it was poorly shot and the message is really hard to find...once you find it, it is completely confusing to me.
Finally, the seventh one...This was a great one as well.. short. simple. to the point. Stated a fact of domestic violence. I like that.

Here's the thing I felt was missing from ALL of the PSA's on this site... they are missing a call to action! They have presented a problem, but have failed to inform people on what to do. How to handle it if they were to come in contact with a DV act. Just like in a film, there is always something that makes the "hero" or the protagonist move.. makes him/her do something! If there wasn't all films would be completely boring!

Media is such a powerful avenue to get the word out on something. Almost every American watches television on a daily basis, and thus making media the fastest and most effective way to reach the mass, and drive something home. However, is raising awareness enough? I don't think so... I think people need to know what to do... How do I effectively invoke change?

What are your thoughts?