Monday, November 14, 2011

{Sneak Peek}

This past weekend I had the joy of photographing 2 amazing families.  Here is just a sneak peek from this weekend.  More pictures to come soon.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Alethia Grace {4 Days}

Ok, I know that I have been HORRIBLE with blogging, but to make it up to you, I want to introduce you to Alethia Grace.  This little girl captured the hearts of her parents, aunts and uncles way before we ever met her in person.  We have been praying for this little girl, and her arrival was very much anticipated!  She was born on October 30th and she is beautiful.  I am so blessed to walk life with her parents, Ben and Bethany, and to be allowed into their lives as an "auntie" in their kids lives... but enough blabbing, it is my joy to introduce to you Alethia Grace Nicholson!!

All the hats were hand knitted by a few girls in our church.  Aren't they cute!?!