Monday, October 4, 2010

Small Joys

I have some friends that adopted 2 boys from Ethiopia.  They have been home for 7 months now, and their oldest started playing soccer this season.  He is so good!  I think he has scored something like 30 goals this season.  Anyways, I've been meaning to get out to the soccer field more times than I can count, but it never worked out with my schedule... until this past Saturday!!!  I was so excited to go and support this family and love on this boy by supporting his team and game.  I'm sure he probably won't remember me, but that is ok.  I love this family and can't wait to post about their family portrait session (which should happen soon... depending on my foot-that's another post, for another night).  Back to the point of this post.  On Saturday I got the privilege to go watch Tyce play soccer.  I grabbed my sweatshirt and camera, and off I went.  Here are a few shots from his game.  Good job Tyce!!

1 comment:

Lee and Bev said...

Great pictures, Stacy! We love going to watch him Saturday mornings. It is fun to have our grandson be a star! Thanks for loving on Tyce and his family!
Tyce's grandma