Saturday, July 12, 2008

Student of Life

I was able to see a familiar face from California today. Student. Professor. Friend. Ann-Caryn. She is a student of life, probably the most influential professor I had at Vanguard and now my friend. Not only did she teach me about film, theory and "academic" stuff, but she also taught me a lot about life. We got together to work on my documentary, but because of some missing files, that was not able to happen. Instead, we just sat together, talked some, but mostly enjoyed each other's company.
Even out of the classroom, I am picking up and learning things from her. One thing I've been learning is that you never stop learning. Just because I'm out of school and the "structured learning environment" doesn't by any means mean that I don't learn. I'm learning to become a student of life. Different situations teach me things, as does the Lord teach mean everyday who He is and who I am to be in Him. Ann-Caryn is probably the best person I know who is living this out. I told her about a program that is used at my work and she hadn't heard of it, so immediately she hopped online and found it, downloaded it and started learning it. She is always trying to learn new programs, or learn new things about programs she already knows. Not only does she strive to know more programs and tech stuff, but she is striving to learn how to become a better professor so that her students can learn.
All that to say that she is such an inspiration and encouragement to me. She challenges me to do better, and she challenges/encourages me to never stop learning. Watching her balance work, church, family, filmmaking and still how she finds time to sit down and learn is inspiring. Thank you Ann-Caryn for your inspiration, encouragement, challenges and support through the years. I can't wait to see the next things in life that the Lord teaches you you learn and I can't wait to see what the Lord teaches me and what I learn though life as well!

1 comment:

lavonn said...

Hi Stace,

LOVE the new look and new "window" on your blog. Very pretty and relaxing.

Is Ann-Caryn the person who had the graduation party? How did you happen to see here? Evidently she was passing through the Nasville area? Fun!! I've always found that I SO treasure all the pop-in visitors from "home" when I moved away.

Auntie Vonnie