Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I've been working on a puzzle for the past week...it has been frustrating, but I have learned something through it. When I do puzzles, I do them in waves; I have a method. First, I do the border, once that boundary is set, I know the area I have to work with. Then I start seperating colors, shades etc. and choose a certain portion to work on. As I'm working, I know there is a bigger picture, but I don't see it or know what it is from these pieces. (this puzzle didn't come with a picture on the box of what it is going to look like). Anyways, I work on this one section until I get frustrated with it or complete it, and then move onto another section of the puzzle. After doing this for a while, I realized that I have a ton of small section, but they aren't united. The task then becomes trying to fit it all into the border I created earlier. I've realized that this puzzle is kinda like my life. The Lord has the big picture in view, He knows what my life is going to look like and He is putting my life together piece by piece, section by section. Each piece of the puzzle (my life) is experiences, relationships, moments etc. At any given point in time, I only see one section, the pieces immediately around me. I might get frustrated because I may not thing it fits into "what I've been called to do", but then the LORD connects more pieces together and shows me that it really does connect to the big picture. I just don't have the big picture yet!

If I was to see the big picture, before it is completed, I would get frustrated with all the missing holes. I would try to fill in those holes the way I think it is best but the LORD is the one who fills those in, and He wants to! The LORD has every piece of my life in mind, He knows what each piece looks like and how it is going to fit into the big picture...HIS plan. And when the puzzle is complete, it is going to be beautiful!


micwane said...

What thoughtful insight! How old are you again? :-) I think it's a very special gift that you are able to pull "God thoughts" from your everyday activities. And thank you for sharing them because they bring encouragement to others.

BTW - neat puzzle! I don't know where you found the patience to get it done with no "picture" to help you.

Love and hugs,
Auntie M~~

crispy said...

Well put. I feel like my life is the puzzle too. Just trusting the Lord for every piece at just the right time.

.heidi.noelle. said...

I think I am going to buy a puzzle soon :)