Friday, August 14, 2009

My morning walk

I went for a walk this morning. Normally I go for runs, but my trainer asked me yesterday if I was willing to not necessarily throw out all my knowledge of health and fitness, but if I was willing to start from scratch. To start at the foundation, basics, and work my way up. Starting with nutrition (as I blogged about last time). But anyways, to get some cardio work in everyday, and not hurt my knee, he is having me walk for 45 minutes or so daily (Granted, today is day one and it went well btw!) But as I was walking, I was thinking about the season I'm about to walk into with the Immersion Discipleship Training @ New Song. As I've been praying in preparation, I've really been asking the Lord to basically take me back to the foundation of who He is. Not to start from scratch, but after 22 years (basically) of being a believer, my mind can get cluttered (which it has) and my view of the Lord distorted. So I have been asking the Lord to reveal to me who He a new way... Not that I rid myself of all the knowledge that I have of the Lord, but I guess in a sense, set it aside, and let the Lord give me new knowledge of who He is. Just like I'm not ditching all the knowledge I have of exercise, or running, i'm just taking it back to the foundations.

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