Sunday, May 15, 2011


So I know this was supposed to be posted everyday, and I was supposed to have a picture for each thing, but life has been very busy, with starting a new job and all, that I have been so tired to post.. Even though I have been so tired, as I laid my head down each night, I took time to thank the Lord for my day.  So I thought I would just do an "update" post of one thing I was thankful for each of the past 5 days I haven't posted.  Hopefully this week will be better with pictures!

Day 4- 5.11.11- Spiritual Family.  I LOVE the family the Lord put me in here in Tennessee.
Day 5- 5.12.11- My health.
Day 6- 5.13.11- My apartment.  This is a place that the Lord has given my roommate and me, and I am so grateful to be able to use it for Him and His glory.
Day 7- 5.14.11-  Godly women in my life.

Today- Day 8- 5.15.11- The green trees of Spring.  One of the first things I noticed when I moved here, was the fullness of the trees.  While it is neat and beautiful to see the bare trees during the winter, I LOVE when spring comes because the trees get their leaves back!

Tomorrow is a new day, with a ton to be grateful for!  Look for it!

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