Monday, June 30, 2008

Quiet down and listen...

One of the main differences I have found between California (Orange County) and Spring Hill (Tennessee) is the pace of life. Everything is slower out here. Do moms still have camps to get their kids to? YES. Do people have to work 9-5 everyday? YES. But the difference is that people don't drive like it is the end of the world. They drive peacefully and respectfully...and slow! (Have to admit, it is driving me a little crazy!) But that just shows how fast I have been living my life...the OC mindset is that if you are driving the speed limit you are driving too slow... So I have had to do a lot of learning and growing in patience when it comes to people on the road.
The other thing that being out here has taught me is to really take the time to just sit and listen to the Lord. To admire His creation even more than I did before. So many times in my quiet times, I sit there and talk and talk and talk to the Lord and then I wonder why I don't hear Him speak back...Well, I have never given Him enough time to! Lets just look at the phrase "quiet time"..operative word there is QUIET!!! that means that I need to SHUT UP and listen to what the Lord has to say! Life is so much sweeter when I take the time every morning to spend time with the Lord and truly hear what HE has to say! That is not how I want my life to be lived because it is just no good when I try to tell the Lord how it should be done...Sit down, shut up and LISTEN!!!!!!


crispy said...

Glad to hear that life if a little slower there. I desire to have a simplified life. Should help me with that.

.heidi.noelle. said...
