Tuesday, June 3, 2008

first friend

tonight i walked with a friend. I LORD has blessed me with my first friend this week and tonight we had dinner, then we went for a walk. We ended up walking for quite a while, we got a little lost, but quickly found our way again. We got lost because we were so enthralled with our conversations about our stories, what the Lord is doing in our lives, staring at the amazing stars and fireflies and much more. The Lord has brought Kaycee Mantooth into my life for a specific reason and I am so glad to call her my friend.

1 comment:

micwane said...


How neat that you've been able to connect with a new friend. I'm sure she will be the first of many. Isn't the sky and stars amazing when you get away from the big city? And don't you just love the fireflies? It must be much warmer there...we haven't seen any yet....still too chilly. There's something cozy about sitting out on the deck or porch on a warm summer night, listening to the crickets or cicadas, watching the fireflies, looking up at the twinkling stars and having a quiet conversation with a friend. I hope you have lots of opportunities like that in the weeks ahead.

Luv U,
Auntie M~~~~