Monday, August 4, 2008


About a month ago, I decided that I was going to train for a half marathon (13.1 miles) with my roommate and some people from church. I've spent the past month in the gym, trying to get ready for the first day of training...which was Saturday...we met at a local park in Franklin...there are about 15 people training for this. We did a 3 mile run...and it suprisingly, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. about 3/4 of the way through it, i started cramping up, but I kept pushing through.
This experience is not only challenging physically, but spiritually too. As I was running, I realized how this was a representation of what happens in our spiritual lives. Every day is a battle between my spirit and my flesh. My flesh wants to do one thing, but my spirit wants to do what the Lord wants. Running these 3 miles, my body wanted to stop so many times, but I had to push through the flesh and keep focused on finishing. I've found that running provides great time to pray and have some time with the Lord.(even if I am just praying for the pain my legs are in! ha!)
The training is not an easy process, but it is a great thing. I am not running the race for time, I'm just running to finish. It is something I have wanted to do for a while now, and when the opportunity came with this group from church, I jumped on it!

So all that to say that training is under way and in 12 short weeks, I will be going to Atlanta to run in this half marathon! I will update weekly to share how the training is going!


crispy said...

Chuck told me that you were saying the other day that you were really sore from running. Eveytime I pick running back up, I feel like I am 65 years old and can hardly move. My joints just ache. Especially my hips and legs and knees. OK, maybe everything.

Good for you to do the right thing for your body.

~S~~~~~ said...

yeah, my hip is what was killing me. however, after some stretching and massaging it, I am feeling better! I totally understand about feeling way older than you are when working out, i have had so many injuries b/c of sports that my joints hurt as well...but as weird as it sounds, pushing through helps!