Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Franklin Classic 10K

For those who don't know, I am training with a group of people from my church for a half marathon (The Silver Comet).  Labor Day was a big day for me.  My first race!  We ran as a group and individually in the Franklin Classic 10K.  It was a great run and I finished at about an hour 20.  Although it was hot and humid (not the ideal running conditions), there was one thing that made it bearable...the breeze!  It wasn't a constant breeze, but it was there when I needed it the most.  So good!  Even though the breeze was welcomed as a way to cool me down, it was sometimes an opposition.  How?  Well, it is difficult running into the wind sometimes.  
Another opposition I was facing about half way into the run was injury/soreness.  My hip has been bothering me for about the past 2 weeks of training and that flared up again in this race.  But thanks to the comrades I had running with me, I was able to push through most 
of the pain, but walked when I needed. 
 Throughout the race I had a steady pace, but when I saw the finish line, I knew that I was almost done and almost to the point of accomplishing my goal for the day!  So I sprinted the last part of it...It was such a great feeling crossing the finish line, but while I was alone in my run,  I was welcomed across with my teammates cheering me on!  Such a wonderful feeling!
Anyways, back to the original reason for the post... While I was sitting in Utopia (a local coffee shop), I was praying about the day and thinking through some stuff and the wind from
 that morning came back to mind.  Even though it is wonderful, it can still be an opposition to a runner.  That is true of some things in life.  Although they are good, appear to be good, they can be an opposition to us (me) if it is not the right season for them.  Thinking about that reminded me that I must continually be in th
e Word and seeking discernment so that I don't chase after good things that aren't for me in the season I am in currently.  Constantly testing those things, words, opportunities against the Bible and taking them to the Lord to see if it is really for me now.

1 comment:

crispy said...

I am so proud of you. Great job. You did it. Keep pressing on my friend.