Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My dear friend

I am currently walking through a tough season with my dear friend Robyn. She is a breast cancer survivor and is walking through chemo right now. Today, I took her to shave her head. Her hair started falling out yesterday and more today, so she decided that it was time to just get rid of it all.

While I was sitting in the barber shop with her, watching her, I allowed the Lord to minister to me. Although I've been joking around, saying that I was going to shave my head too, the question hit me... "am I enough to sustain you?" Being with Robyn today encouraged me even more into becoming the perfect, pure bride that the LORD desires us to be. Looking into her eyes, I've seen a radiance glowing from her eyes... A peace, a security, that one can only find in the Lord. This is something that I (we) can learn without walking through cancer. Robyn has been forced to make this determination because of her circumstance, and she has chosen to walk in the Lord through this. And He is using this; hair loss, what society sees as bad...for good. Just as His word says in Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good for those who love HIM." The Lord works all things...CHEMO AND BALD HEADS INCLUDED together for good! I don't think that we know what that good is now, but I am trusting and believing that the Lord has some divine appointments lined up for Robyn, conversations she will have, that she might not have had if she wasn't walking through chemo. Heck, she is a walking testimony right now! Great conversation starter!! (If you know me, I love talking to people and am always looking for conversation starters)

If you think about it, hair is so small in the scheme of things, and I know that it is tough, but hair will grow back. If I'm gonna be honest here, it has taken a lot of processing with the Lord for me to be at a point where I can say this, because I was having a hard time with this step in the process. I think more because it was just weird to think about Robyn without hair, but the Lord has shown Himself merciful today (are we really surprised about that?)

Even though this season isn't over, and it hasn't been the easiest, I have watch Robyn walk it out with such integrity, purity and submission before the Lord. I admire that in her, and pray that I will walk out my trials and tribulations in the same manner...fully submitted to the Lord and 100% secure in the fact that the LORD will sustain her. Nothing man can do will fully, truly sustain her...or me.

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