When I read the account of Peter walking on water towards our savior, I can't help but wonder what was going through his mind. Look at it with me...
25 "Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. 26 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” 28 And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”
I would like to think this would be my first, natural response as well, but did Peter really believe that if the Lord told him to come, it would be possible? Or were those words, just the quick reaction of Peter?
29 So He said, “Come.”
I can just imagine Peter saying.. "wait... did He just tell me to come out to Him? to actually walk on this water? Really? Any amount of mass sinks when put on water... I'm human, I'm most likely going to sink...hmmm.. am I really going to do this? He sure looks far away..."
And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous,b]">[b] he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” 31 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.
When Jesus told Peter to "come", Peter was faced with a choice. Do I trust the what I know to be true about masses and water, or do I trust the Lord? Do I trust that the Lord knows what is going to happen?
I'm sure Peter was thinking.. If I step out of this boat, I am going to sink.-
but I think a huge part of this story is that Peter stepped out. He got out of the boat. HE TRUSTED. Then, after the initial step of trust, he lost sight of the Lord and that is when he started to sink.
I feel like I am standing in the boat right now, and the Lord is calling me to step onto the water and walk to Him. I'm scared... I think I am going to sink. I have a choice to make- Trust what I know (what i think i know), or trust the Lord?
The walk is going to be..
not easy...
potentially long...
But, I know that the purity and wholeness the Lord wants me to walk in is so worth it. He is in the process of redefining my character so that I will look more like HIM.
1 comment:
This has always been one of my favorites of yours. :)
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