Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Living in California for 21 years has its advantages.  One of them being that the beach is super close!  Living in San 
Deigo, I was about 10 minutes from the beach and living in Orange County, I was about 5.  
Moving to Tennessee changed my perspective on the beach and how much I absolutely love it!  Being landlocked is a new experience for 
me... I don't know what to do with myself because I can no longer just go to the beach whenever.  The nearest beach to me is 13.5 hours..yes HOURS... away.  So NOT COOL!!!!  Even though it is so far away, I got to go to the beach this past weekend!  A friend and I went to North Carolina for the weekend and camped on the beach.  It was a very very long drive, with lots of laughter, but after driving all night, we finally arrived.  This was my first time ever on the East Coast!  I was really excited about that because I have officially been coast to coast!!!!  East coast beaches are a lot different from West Coast beaches, the waves aren't as big, and there were not as many people (which is fine with me)!  The place we camped is called Hammocks Beach State Park, and it is actually on an island.  We had to take a 15 minute ferry ride to the island and then hike 1/2 a mile to our site.  It was soo worth it though!  Walking up and down the beach, collecting sea shells was such sweet time with the Lord. 
 Although I was with a friend, we didn't feel the need to talk, so we just walked together.  Again, the Lord met me at the beach and spoke some amazing things to me.  
Anyways, after 13.5 hours, I got my beach fix and I might be good for another few months.  You can take the girl out of the beach, but you can't take the beach out of the girl!
Here are some more pictures from my trip out there!
Picture descriptions from left to right, top to bottom:
the coastline, me taking pictures, the waves, a fence on the coast, some seashells, us standing in the Atlantic, Megan (kiwi) and me in the ocean!


crispy said...

I wondered if being land locked will be hard for us too. We have been in a state that is on the "edge" of the country for years. SC, NJ, CA, and FL. How will we adjust???

~S~~~~~ said...

it is hard to do, but possible.