Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wait upon the Lord...

I was driving away from my mentoring this morning and a song started playing.  As I was listening to it and processing what my mentor and I had talked about, I started thinking.. what does it really mean for me to wait upon the Lord?  So many times in my life, I have set aside an hour a day (or so) as "God's time" in which I would pray, read my Bible and 'wait' on Him, but as soon as that time is done, then I'm done.. is that really waiting on the Lord?  no...  I think that setting aside time for the Lord daily is a huge part of it, but I can't be restricted to just that time.  Through my meeting this morning, I got new insight into what it means to wait upon the Lord. There are things I'm walking through right now that aren't necessarily bad, but they aren't for this season.  I have to wait upon the Lord and His timing.. and to be completely honest, I'm not happy about it.  It is hard and there is a part of me that doesn't want to. I want to pursue these things.  I want to keep walking this out to see what happens, but when I really stop and examine my heart, so much more of me wants to pursue the Lord and be in complete obedience to Him.  I want an intimacy with the Lord like never before and in order to reach that level of intimacy, I have to lay these things down.  And when it hurts, that is when I need to press into the Lord the most.. Wait on Him and trust that He has my best interest at heart. Why is obedience so hard?!?!?  For me right now, it is because it is dealing with matters of the heart, and I want to control that.  I'm holding the key to my heart and not releasing that to the Lord, even though He has always held that key and will continue to...  I also think it is because a lot of the time, with the Lord, it requires me to stop thinking about myself; take my eyes off me and what I think is best for me and focus them on the Lord.  And lets face it.. that's not easy either!  I'm in an interesting place right now because I so want it to be the season for some stuff, but at the same time I have such a peace about it not being...  
So back to the song and waiting upon the Lord... What are some things that could come from waiting upon Him?  Well, chains will be broken, Lives will be healed, Eyes will be opened, and above all, Christ will be revealed.  This has become my prayer and declaration for this time... Here are the lyrics to the song that sparked this very long post, most of you know it...  if you don't, you can listen to it here.
You'll Come by Brooke Fraser

I have decided
I have resolved
To wait upon You Lord
My rock and Redeemer
Shield and reward
I'll wait upon You Lord

As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears
You'll come, let Your glory fall
As You respond to us
Spirit reign, flood into our thirsty hearts again
You'll come
You'll come

We are not shaken, we are not moved
We wait upon You Lord
Our Mighty deliverer, my triumph and truth
We wait upon You Lord

Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed

1 comment:

crispy said...

I feel like I have been waiting on God for awhile now. Finding comfort in knowing that He is in control of every detail of my life. Knowing that in this waiting room, I am growing just like He intended.