Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First FREEZE of the season

Ok, so for 21 years, the title of this entry have NEVER been in my vocabulary!  "First FREEZE of the season"-this is what my roommate told me this morning.  Here's the story.  I woke up (extremely cold mind you), in an attempt to warm my core body temp. I went and put my jeans in the dryer so they would be nice and hot when I put them on, then I put on my shirts, jacket, shoes and went to my car to start my day... I got in, started it and turned on the windshield wipers to get the "dew" off... but nothing happened!  That wasn't dew on my windshield, it was frost!!! It wasn't going anywhere!
So, I went back inside and said: "Jeannie, I have a CA question for you... how do you get ice or frost off your windshield?  I've never had to deal with this before!"  She looks at me and says something along the lines of "what you don't have an ice scraper?"  NO!!  I'M FROM CALIFORNIA, WE DON'T NEED THOSE!!!!  So she told me where hers was in her car, I went out and started scraping ice and frost off of my car!!  Looks like I am going to go buy an ice scraper today after work!
Being in a place where the temperature drops below 60 has really opened my eyes to how great we Californians have it.  I've really been trying not to compare CA to TN, but this is one thing that I must compare! 
I've been looking at the and the high for Costa Mesa, CA today is 81 degrees... the high for Spring Hill, TN is 58!  When I woke up this morning it was 32 degrees... 
I am NOT use to it being this cold, or freezing, but I'm choosing to enjoy it!  And everybody out here I'm sure is getting a good laugh out of my newness to this weather!  Being in this also is showing me how weak we Californians are when it comes to weather and our comfort....


larells said...

Well, being the CA girl that I am also lovey, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!!!!! But I did have to laugh outloud when you were telling me this am on the phone about what Jeannie said about "what you don't have an ice scraper?" HA HA HA...yeah, we use one everyday in CA to scrape off the sand from our windshields!! TOOO FUNNY. And, as you say, I'm sure the Midwesterners are getting quite a chuckle out of our CA GIRL!!!! I love you and try and stay warm!!! LOVE, YOUR MOMMY

larells said...
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micwane said...

Chuckling, chuckling! Hey, if this ol' auntie can handle it, you can! Yes, an ice scraper will be good to keep handy. But it also helps to just turn on the defrost for a little while. (You do know that your car has one, right? :-))

Now you'll be able to enjoy the fun of being "fashionably dressed for winter". That will include cute matching hats, gloves, & scarves. Fun sweaters, different colors of turtlenecks. And don't forget those CuddleDuds!!! You may want to watch for sales on those. Oh, one other thing. Jeans are NOT warm in the winter....thus the need of the Duds. So, sit back, enjoy the beautiful season changes that God has created. You're right, Californian's miss out on some really cool stuff! Luv U, Auntie M~~~~

crispy said...

You crack me up. Just wait til is snows. You wont know what to do.

.heidi.noelle. said...

OK, it's been over a month...time to write something about snow??? ;)